Internal Assessments
Year 1 IA 1 - To what extent did George F. Kennan’s Long Telegram shape American foreign policy during the Cold War?
Year 2 IA 1 - To what extent did Benito Mussolini establish economic self-sufficiency in Italy from 1922-9?
Year 2 IA 2 - In what ways and with what results was the use of the ‘History will absolve me’ speech necessary for Fidel Castro’s success in the Cuban Revolution?
Book Reviews
Year 1 Book Review - Harry S. Truman and the Cold War Revisionists, Robert H. Ferrell
Year 2 Book Review - State and Society 1901-1922, Paul Corner
Consolidation of Power (Purges)
Single-Party State Leaders: Josef Stalin
Rise to Power
Economic/Domestic Policy (Collectivization)
Economic/Domestic Policy (Industrialization, FYP)
Consolidation of Power (Purges)
Foreign Policy
Single-Party State Leaders: Juan Peron
Single-Party State Leaders: Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh Leadership 1
Ho Chi Minh Leadership 2
Single-Party State Leaders: Francisco Franco
Franco Leadership
Single-Party State Leaders: Gamel Nasser
Rise to Power
Single-Party State Leaders: Adolf Hitler
Rise to Power
Single-Party State Leaders: Fidel Castro
Consolidation of Power
Castro-related exam questions and markscheme answers since 2007 and earlier
Single-Party State Leaders: Adolf Hitler
Rise to Power
Single-Party State Leaders: Fidel Castro
Consolidation of Power
Castro-related exam questions and markscheme answers since 2007 and earlier
First World War (WWI)
Nationalism as a cause of WWI
German responsibility for WWI
Mobilization in WWI - Russia, Germany, Britain
Battle - Gallipoli campaign
Battle - Unrestricted submarine warfare
Battle - Vimy Ridge
Facts and Figures - Treaty of Versailles
Social and economic effects of WWI on Germany
Inter War Years 1918-1936
Review sheets
Manchurian Crisis - PAPER 1 documents package
also: sources list
Manchurian Crisis - PAPER 1 documents analysis markscheme
Second World War (WWII)
American Neutrality in WWII
Technology in WWII and the Atomic Age
Battle - Battle of Britain
Battle - Invasion of Iwo Jima
Battle - Operation Barbarossa
Battle - Desert Campaign, Invasion of Italy, Battle of the Atlantic, Strategic Bombing
Blitzkrieg (long version)
Blitzkrieg (short version)
Cold War
8 Origins of the Cold War
Origins of the Cold War - role of Germany
also: David Williamson article on Germany and the Cold War
Korean War
Paper 2 Cold War questions from 2000 and earlier
Example Essay - Soviet responsibility for the Cold War
Emergence of the Americas in global affairs 1880-1929
Canada in WWI
US entry into WWI
The Great Depression in the Americas 1929-1939
(paper 3 bullet points)
Causes in the US and Canada
RB Bennett and Mackenzie King in the Depression
also Extra Notes
Herbert Hoover and the Depression
also Extra Notes
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and the New Deals
Opposition to the New Deal
Latin American response to the Depression - Vargas in Brazil
Political developments in the Americas after the Second World War 1945-79 (domestic)
The Cold War and the Americas 1945-1981 (foreign)
Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement 1954-68 (master note)
Role of Martin Luther King, Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement
Rise of militancy in the CRM - Malcolm X, Black Power, Black Panters, Nation of Islam
Civil Rights Movement exam questions (paper 3) and markscheme answers since 2000 and earlier